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Frequently Asked Questions
What is RexQ?
RexQ is a pay-as-you-go roadside assistance marketplace, allowing stranded motorists to find rescuers nearby.
Who operates the RexQ platform?
RexQ is a platform offered by RexQ Group Limited.
Who can use RexQ?
RexQ is available to customers and to rescuers.
Who are the customers?
The customers are anyone who need help with their vehicle at the roadside or at home, whether they are driving or not.
Who are the rescuers?
The suppliers are professional recovery and rescue providers, garage mechanics, experienced capable providers of roadside assistance and repair who want to provide help to customers and their vehicles.
What is the cost?
The RexQ service has no membership or sign up fees. RexQ can be used any time roadside assistance is needed. Rescuers provide bids to repair your vehicle. The customer chooses the rescuer based on the price, rating or location of the rescuer. Our average cost is below.
So how does it work?
Simply, download the RexQ app at any time from the App Store and Google Play. Answer some simple registration questions, then get help straight away.
And how do I know rescuers provide a reliable service?
The RexQ app has undergone many months of testing and we're sure that it will perform as expected. Our rescuers are seasoned professional so you can be assured that you'll get the right level of service.
Can I phone RexQ for help?
RexQ is an app based platform that allows users to get help as quickly as possible. We do not ask you to wait on a phone call to someone in a warm call centre miles away.
How do I know if help is coming?
We show you a map of the rescuers ready to help you in your area. Then, when you choose them, you can simply follow them on the map in real time.
Should I carry on paying for breakdown membership?
No. That is the old way of getting roadside assistance. Why would you pay for insurance that you may never use? Did you know that 44% of drivers never make a claim? That's nearly £5,000 wasted in a driver's lifetime. Hopefully, like a lot of drivers, you will never actually need it. However, if you do then RexQ is in your pocket on your mobile ready to help.
Does that mean I need to know exactly what is wrong with my vehicle?
No. We don't expect you to know exactly what's wrong with your vehicle. If you're unsure, just select Mechanical Fault. RexQ can help you.
The RexQ service is designed to get you and your vehicle back up and running, whether you're on the road or at home. RexQ cover all the common breakdown such as Flat Battery, Flat Tyre, Out of Fuel and Locked Out of your vehicle. If you need help because you have put in the Wrong Fuel, you have a more major Mechanical Fault or you need a Tow or someone to transport your vehicle now or in the future then again, RexQ can help.
What type of vehicle can use the RexQ network?
RexQ can help ANY type of vehicle on the road, whatever their age, fuel type or size. RexQ provide assistance for cars, vans, pickups, MPVs, even commercial vehicles and cars towing caravans or trailers.
What do I pay for assistance?
You take a look at the bids provided by the suppliers nearby, you agree which one you want and you pay for the service when you use it. We do not store your credit card details so you know your card is safe from hackers. Let's face it, this is not a service you intend to use every week. So your card details do not need to be stored
Can I pay for assistance for friends or family?
Yes. If family friends or family need assistance, you can simply type their location into the app and seek assistance as normal: they are covered.
What if I’m not happy with the RexQ service I’ve received?
Happy and satisfied customers are very important to RexQ so we do everything we can to ensure you get great service each and every time. However, if you are unhappy with any aspect of our assistance or you would like to make a complaint, please get in touch via email, and we will be happy to help resolve any issues.
How do I get a time of arrival for my supplier?
The RexQ app will calculate the expected travel time for your rescuer and provide that information to you both. This way you both know when the assistance will be provided. The rescuer will be shown on your map so you can see how far away they are and when they plan to arrive
Can I cancel assistance?
Yes. You can opt out of assistance at any time. There is a cancel button to stop the assistance if it is no longer required. If the supplier is on their way then the supplier and RexQ have invested some time and resources in this request, so there is a small standard cancellation charge.
What about if my Electric Vehicle has run out of charge?
Simply request a tow and put in the comments to be towed to a charging point. Note: There are specific rules for towing Electric vehicles. Please check with manufacturer recommendations before requesting towing services for electric vehicles.

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